Demonstration and City Parliament meeting – a first summary

I was surprised and delighted by how many people met for today's demonstration. At about 4pm, we gathered at BTU's Forum and then walked through town.

Hochschuldemo 19.03.12 – Audimax BTU

Hochschuldemo 19.03.12 – Audimax BTU

The destination was the Stadthaus on Altmarkt, where the City Parliament (Stadtverordnetenversammlung, SVV) met for a special session on the future of the universities in the Lusatia region. There, the minister for science, research and cultur, Mrs Kunst, die chairman of the Lusatia Evaluation Commission (Lausitzkommission), Prof. Emmerich, the presidents of both universities and representatives of the students were to present their opinions and arguments on the closing of the existing and founding of a new “energy university”, which was proposed by the minister.

The Demonstration

Along the way through town:

Hochschuldemo 19.03.12 – Friedrich-Ebert-Straße

Hochschuldemo 19.03.12 – Friedrich-Ebert-Straße

A few signs:

Hochschuldemo 19.03.12 – der Mob ;-)

Hochschuldemo 19.03.12 – der Mob 😉

The crowd on Altmarkt (market square):

Hochschuldemo 19.03.12 – Altmarkt.

Hochschuldemo 19.03.12 – Altmarkt.

There's a photo from above, posted on the Facebook discussion group.

More info

There were quite many speeches, some a bit enlightening, some tedious (esp. the minister). Quite heartening is the impression that the City Parliament as a whole (except the despised liberal party FDP) as well as most of the State Parliament (even parts of the governing coalition) seem to listen to reason and are critical of the hurried and poorly thought out “concepts” of the minister.

You'll find more details in the German version of this article; if you're interested, I will provide a translation. (Now is bedtime. *g*)

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  1. EffJot - Zur Diskussion der Hochschulpläne
    ⟨ 26 Mar 2012, 08:56 PM | # ⟩

    [...] der Äußerungen von Ministerin Kunst während der der Sitzung der Stadt­verordneten­versammlung letzten [...]

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