Demonstration against Nazis

Cottbus bekennt Farbe

Today, as every year, the NPD and other Nazis will come to Cottbus to use the 1945 bombings to spread their vile propaganda.

The association "Cottbus bekennt Farbe” organised a counter-demonstration and various other activities. The information on their website is only in German, however. The demonstrations start at 15:30 at the railway station and the university, resp., and meet at 17:30 on the Schillerplatz north of the theater. (South of it, the Nazis will meet.)

Various information, in German:

Maps: demonstration routes Cottbus bekennt Farbe, by Cottbus Nazifrei.

Facebook: group “Cottbus bekennt Farbe

Twitter: Information on @nazifrei_ticker, Hashtag #152CB #cbnf

Comments 2

  1. Florian Jenn (Facebook) 232 ⟨ 15 Feb 2013, 11:57 AM | #  ⟩

    Steht zwar im Artikel, aber für die, die nicht lang aus ihrem blauen Garten;-) rauswollen:

  2. fj 232 ⟨ 16 Feb 2013, 12:26 AM | #  ⟩

    Kalt war's. 😉

    Die Lausitzer Rundschau hat den Tag in Wort und Bild zusammengefasst.

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