Where on Google Earth #131

Es scheint, daß WoGE zwischen dem Lost Geologist und mir pendeln möchte. Hoffentlich ist das hier unsedimentär genug für ihn:

For any new players to Where on (Google) Earth, simply post latitude and longitude or a description of the location in the comments. Even better, write something about the geography or geology. If you win, you get to host the next one.

I think it's not too hard to find, so I'll invoke Schott's Rule, i.e. former winners have to wait 1 hour for each WoGE they got right.

Posting time is 23:56 CEST (21:56 UTC)

Good luck!

Kommentare (4)

  1. Peter L 13 ⟨ 04.06.08, 3:06 | #  ⟩

    Well, this one was easy to find indeed: 51.5N - 157.0E, southern Kamchatka. The picture features several stratovolcanoes (Zheltovsky, Ilynsky, Diky Greben, Koshelev, Kambalny) and the Kurile Lake (hosted in a large caldera) , all formed in the magmatic arc of in the northeastern Pacific subduction zone.

  2. Peter L 13 ⟨ 04.06.08, 4:28 | #  ⟩

    errata: northwestern Pacific 🙂

  3. fj 232 ⟨ 04.06.08, 9:06 | #  ⟩

    Yes, that's right. We're looking forward to your next WoGE!

  4. Peter L 13 ⟨ 05.06.08, 4:57 | #  ⟩

    WoGE #132 is posted, enjoy!

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